Core Collaboration

Following the development in other countries, as well as insurance needs in Indonesia, PT CARE Technologies has been develop some solutions and services in order to facilitate the use of insurance, such as:

Middleware Application

Middleware is application interface (framework)between touch point (mobile apps) and Care Core Application

Centralize Document Printing

An application to accommodate the needs in term of delivery the softcopy or digital document to be sent to the valuable clients such as e-Policy and to avoid manually printing or printing by unit the Policy Schedule or any other document

Document Management System

Document Management System offers comprehensive document management methods and elaborate guarantees to save important documents and will be achieved for authorized staff in each unit that is integrated with care application

E-Sign Document

E-sign is an electronic signature that is attached to the printed document which is aimed to accelerate the document’s authorization process

Security Code (QR Code) Document

A matrix barcode features to store the URL and other relevant information attached with the printed document, such as Policy Schedule, Premium Noted and any other related documents


E-Policy is and electronic document containing the agreement between the insured and the insurance company that therein includes the object information about postponement, information about the insured and premiums

Agency Management (WebAIF)

An application that can be used by the insurers to help in calculating the benefits of their agents. In addition to reckoning the benefits in detail in accordance with the calculation that has been set up by the insurers. This application can also issued a report associated with the agents as desired by the insurers. The main purpose of this application is in order to organize or to supervise the insurers’ agents.

• Tree Structure Agency Structure
• Defining Agency Classification Structure
• Capturing Agent Registration

Agency Management Portal (Web Portal Agent)

An Application which is still associated with the Agency Management application. This application is accessible by the agents (Third Party) to view detailed information about the benefits they would earn. At the same time the agents could check their total policy, their total benefits either it has been paid or unpaid.

E-marine Cargo (Web Marine)

An application specifically designed for the Third Party which aims to have the Third Party who has been joined together with the insurers are able to directly input and print the Certificate. So that the Third Party doesn’t have to wait for the insurance company to input or print the Certificate.

Web B2B

A web based application that can be used by a third party of the insurer (for example leasing company, agent, broker) where such third parties can create their own certificate without the need to go through the insurer because this application is integrated with the core application.

Web Portal

Portal Web Application is an easy and simple application created to facilitate the Management in order to perform monitoring/policy approval, Claim including reading the Information/Reports in real time. This application is recommended for use on a Notepad/Tab.
This application is free of charge, so for our valuable clients who want this application as well can request it through the AL-Online.

Centralize Document Printing (CDP)

An application to accommodate the needs in terms of delivery the softcopy or digital document to be sent to the valuable clients such as e-Policy and to avoid manually printing or printing by unit the Policy Schedule or any other documents.

Data WareHouse

A system used for Reporting and Data Analysis which is one of the main components in developing the Business Intelligence.

Surplus Sharia

A feature which serves to calculate the Surplus Sharia to be distributed to the participants of insurance so that the company is no longer need to manually calculate it.

Fixed Asset

This application serves to record the fixed assets of a company. In this application there are processes that are associated with an asset, specifically depreciation, revaluation, asset movement and asset sales; and also the journaling in this process will be automatically created by the system. This application able to issue the reports related to the assets data as well.


This application serves to record the investment of a company. In this application there are processes that are associated with an investment, specifically the calculation of interest, disbursement of interest, sales of investment instruments; and also the journaling of these transactions will be automatically performed by the system. This application able to issue the reports related to the investment data as well.